Grip Buddies
Grip Buddies hand-craft the best quality, most effective Neoprene Motorcycle Comfort Grips that money can buy at a price everyone can afford! Each set of the comfort grips are made in the USA. We've all experienced the discomfort of a long ride: that numbness between your thumb and forefinger, tired wrists from holding a steady grip and kinks in our fingers from having to hold the handles too tightly.
You can enjoy a more comfortable ride, though, if you're using the Original Grip Buddies. They use only rigorously tested, top-quality components, resulting in a rugged, long-distance hand comfort solution for the serious motorcyclist, which allows the rider to enjoy your bike to the fullest extent and to maximize personal comfort/safety.
The facts:
- Marked improvement in the durability/longevity of new SMARTSKIN™ TECHNOLOGY
- Dramatic improvement in the "Feel and Comfort" of your hands on your grips!
- Grips with "All-Weather" qualities. These grips do not absorb water!
- A heightened sense of "Control" over your motorcycle due to a satisfied feeling of your hands finally being completely "filled"... just the right amount (enough, but not too much)! Material thickness is 38 mm.
- A product you can easily and Quickly Install Yourself, over the top of your stock grips! Suitable for a handle circumference from 3.17 cm to 3.68 cm.
- Grips that are "Heated-Grip-Compatible". You really feel the heat with these babies!
- A durable, long-lasting solution that "Won't Migrate" like some other available grip options.
- An almost "Baffled Feeling" that such a seemingly small/inexpensive addition, could make such a huge difference in your enjoyment of your motorcycle.
For just about any motorcycle!